Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Okay, so obviously the Supreme Court Decision did not come down Monday, so be on the lookout for next Monday. Though the eyes of the nation seem to be in a host of locations, the Affrimative Action case remains on the radar. Today, Americans for a Fair Chance (a project of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights and Education Fund ) has launched a Public Service Annoucement campaign entitled, "Affrimative Action Works."

While some concentrate on the impending decisions about U of M, Benton Harbor has been gaining national attention from rioting! The city, about 12,000 has been rioting for about 2 days in an 8 block radius. The riots began after a fatal chase that involved two motorcycles and police cars. Essentaily they are eligble for a state of emergency where the national guard can be called in, but that hasn't happened yet. Tonight there will be a heavy police state rolling in and there has been a curfew placed from 10pm to 5am.

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