Tuesday, December 02, 2003

"Can you relate? We living in a police state." -Dead Prez
Okay, there are way too many things going on the US around the police and communities of color that make me real concerned. Two recent events in particular. The first, is the beating of Nathaniel Jones last week. The tape has been made public and shows the struggle between Jones and Cincinatti officers. Jones' body has tested positive for narcotics. Many are asking, "is not really was the beating justified?" Rather the question is more about how much force is too much force?

The second issue with the police is the recent Supreme Court decision about the 20 second between knocking and door bashing. Okay, here's the rationale with drug suspects waiting longer than 20 seconds they can flush their product down the drain. Number 1, if police are going to kick down the door, wouldn't you imagine that the dealer would have more product than could be flushed in 20 seconds?

Aight, more local stuff later.

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